Newman Civic Fellows
The Newman Civic Fellowship is a national Campus Compact fellowship program to recognize and support outstanding students who:
- Engage in collaborative action with others from campus or from surrounding communities in order to create long-term social change
- Take action in addressing issues of inequality and political polarization
- Demonstration the motivation and potential for effective long-term civic engagement
The Fellowship is a one year experience during which Fellows have access to a variety of virtual and in-person learning opportunities, networking events and mentoring focused on developing the skills needed to serve as effective agents of change in addressing public problems and in building equitable communities.
The primary goals of the Fellowship are to support community-committed students in their personal, civic and professional development so as to prepare them for the long-term work of public problem solving; and to build a national network of civically-oriented college student leaders and alumni.
Fellowship benefits include:
- Attendance at a national, regional and state convening of Newman Civic Fellows from other institutions
- Training on a variety of relationships-building skills and tactical skills to facilitate action (asset mapping, attracting resources, design thinking, systems thinking, etc.)
- Opportunities to submit conference proposals to present at Campus Compact affiliated conferences
- National recognition through Campus Compact website and media
- Special scholarship opportunities from the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute to participate in their Leadership and the American Presidency program
- Opportunity to apply for Newman’s Own Foundation Fellowship
More information about the Fellowship can be found on the Campus Compact website
Eligibility criteria
ASU students nominated for the Fellowship must meet the following requirements:
- An ASU faculty/staff must submit the student nomination
- Nominee must be currently enrolled and in good standing as an undergraduate student at ASU and have at least one year remaining
- Nominee must be willing to provide a short reflection piece (video, article or letter) during their Fellowship year
- Selected local mentor agrees to serve as a mentor for nominee’s personal, professional and civic growth. This should include an in-person meeting at least quarterly.
- Preference given to students with backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in higher education
Award requirements
The nomination process for the ASU Newman Civic Fellowship applicant is as follows:
- Application package submitted to the Office of University Initiatives via Google Form by the posted deadline (usually mid-January)
- ASU University Initiatives will review applications and identify the top 3 applications
- An impartial internal review committee will review the top 3 applications and select one nominee to represent ASU by late January. All applicants will be notified of the final selection.
- The nomination package is created, including a nomination letter from President Crow, and submitted to Campus Compact by University Initiatives before the deadline
- Campus Compact will notify institutions of fellowship awardees and announced to the public during the month of March
*Note: Only one student from each institution may be nominated

- Leadership Development
- Professional Development
- Public Service
- Social Justice
Eligible applicants
- First-year Undergrads
- Second-year Undergrads
- Third-year Undergrads
- Graduate Students
ASU Nomination required
- Yes