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Fulbright at ASU

Fulbright Day at ASU is March 26! 
Register here for this hybrid informational event!


The Fulbright Program annually awards over 2,000 grants to support independent study or research, teaching, graduate study, or artistic practice abroad. The program was founded in 1946 to increase mutual understanding between the people of the US and other countries through the exchange of persons, knowledge, and skills. Sponsored by the US Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, it is the largest and most prestigious educational exchange fellowship program in the world.

If you are a

  • Graduating senior,
  • Current ASU graduate student, or
  • Recent ASU graduate,

You will work with ONSA advisors to apply for the Fulbright US Student Program

The campus deadline for current ASU students and recent graduates to apply for endorsement to Fulbright is Tuesday, September 9, 2025. The final date by which to schedule an intake meeting and open a Fulbright US Student application is August 29, 2025. 

If you are a current ASU

  • Faculty member
  • Administrator, or
  • Educational professional,

You will work with Karen Engler in the Office of the University Provost to apply for the Fulbright US Scholar Program.

If you are an international student

Who is seeking Fulbright funding to study in the US, contact your home country’s Fulbright commission. For more information, visit If you are an international student or scholar who will be studying at ASU with Fulbright funding, contact the International Students and Scholars Center.

Getting Started with Fulbright


Apply to Fulbright


The Fulbright Program annually awards 2,000 grants to support graduate study, independent research, teaching, and artistic practice abroad. The program was founded in 1946 to increase mutual understanding between the people of the US and other countries through the exchange of people, knowledge, and skills.

To be eligible to apply for an award through the Fulbright US Student Program, you must...

  • be a US Citizen, and
  • have completed a bachelor's degree or equivalent by the start of your award period (i.e., graduating seniors are eligible to apply).

Undergraduates typically begin their applications spring/summer of their junior year leading into the fall of their senior year. ASU alumni, master's, and doctoral students may also apply.

Award Types

The Fulbright US Student Program funds several types of awards. The two main types of awards are Study/Research awards and English Teaching Assistantship (ETA) awards. You may apply for only one type of grant to one country per application cycle. If you are unsure about which program is right for you, consult our FAQ page or discuss your options with one of our advisors.

  • Students applying for Study/Research awards design their own academic projects and typically audit courses at and/or complete projects under the supervision of faculty members at foreign universities. Specific program requirements will vary by country. Projects typically involve formal (i.e. classroom) study, directed study, independent research, or some combination of all three. Students may also apply for awards to support the completion of a graduate degree at a foreign university or to support projects in the creative and performing arts.
  • Students who receive English Teaching Assistant (ETA) awards are placed in a classroom and assist teachers of English to non-native English speakers. ETA recipients also serve as cultural ambassadors and engage in community service activities. Specific requirements of ETA grants also vary by country

Fulbright flowchart

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March 26, 2025: Fulbright Day at ASU

  • Information session and panel discussion: 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM, with reception to follow. Attend in person (MU 228 Cochise) or via ASU Live: RSVP.

April 1, 2025: Fulbright US Student Program Application Opens 

  • Fulbright site refreshes with 2026-2027 award year information
  • Online application available
  • ASU Canvas site available 

August 29, 2025: Final Day to Open Application for ASU Endorsement 

  • To be considered for ASU endorsement, Fulbright applications must be opened by this date.

September 9, 2025: ASU Fulbright Deadline 

  • All application materials must be submitted online via Embark system by this time for applicants to be endorsed by ASU.

September 19, 2025: Fulbright Endorsement Interviews 

  • All ASU applicants will interview on this day. Participation in campus interviews is required to be endorsed by ASU.
  • Individual interview times will be determined after the campus deadline. Due to the large number of applicants and committees, we cannot honor any time preferences.
  • All interviews will occur over Zoom. Students who have work/class should plan ahead and request time off as necessary. ONSA can provide official documentation if necessary. Please contact

October 8, 2025: National Fulbright Deadline

  • ASU students are encouraged to submit their final application by October 5.

A complete Fulbright application will consist of the following:

  • Biographical Data (basic resume information)
  • Statement of Grant purpose (one or two-page grant proposal)
  • Personal Statement (one-page narrative essay)
  • Recommendations (three)
  • Academic transcripts

Depending on the type of award and the requirements of the host country, applicants may also need to submit the following:

  • Foreign Language Evaluation
  • Affiliation Letter (Study/Research and Arts applicants only)
  • Supplementary Materials (Arts applicants only)

The application essays are the most important component of your Fulbright application - plan to write several drafts of each essay and have them reviewed by ONSA advisors. Most applicants spend several weeks preparing their applications.

A strong application for the Fulbright US Student Program takes significant time to complete - don’t wait to get started! Most successful Fulbright applicants write at least seven drafts of their application essays over a period of several weeks or months.

The ASU deadline to apply for the Fulbright US Student Program is Tuesday, September 9, 2025, 11:59 pm (AZ time). Currently enrolled students are expected to apply through the campus process. The application is submitted entirely online. Students and alumni applying through the ASU campus process should follow these steps in the order described. Direct any questions or concerns about these instructions to

Fulbright sounds interesting! What should I do before making my first appointment with ONSA?

  • First, check your eligibility for the Fulbright US Student Program. Eligible applicants…
    • Must be a US Citizen;
    • Can be a rising undergraduate senior (graduating Dec 2025 or May 2026), an enrolled graduate student (masters and PhD), or a recent ASU graduate; and
    • Cannot yet hold a conferred PhD degree at the time of application (although it may be conferred before the start of the award year)
  • Next, watch the Getting Started Series video, which outlines the Fulbright application timeline, eligibility requirements, grant types, and campus process.
  • Then, begin determining which type of award interests you (the Getting Started video will discuss the options). The award type you choose will inform the country to which you apply - not all award types are available in all countries, and many countries offer unique awards. 

There are four main types of awards:

  • English Teaching Assistant (ETA) Award
  • Research Award
  • Creative and Performing Arts Award
  • Graduate Degree Award
  • Lastly, make a list of countries that you would like to consider for your Fulbright host country. You are welcome to list as many as you like at this stage - we will help you narrow down your choices later. Just remember that, ultimately, you can only choose ONE award type and ONE country per application cycle.

OK, I watched the Getting Started Series, confirmed my eligibility, and made a list of potential award types and countries! What is my first step in the ASU Fulbright process?

You should schedule a Fulbright intake meeting according to the award type that interests you. You will see these three options on our scheduling site:

  • Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) Intake
  • Fulbright Research and Arts Intake
  • Fulbright Graduate Degree Award Intake

If you aren’t sure which type of award you want to pursue, just pick one that you are considering. You can do as many different intake meetings as you need!

Intake meetings are exploratory. We will discuss the application timeline, how the specific award could build on your skills and support your goals, walk through the Fulbright website, and strategize next steps. Intake meetings will occur over ZOOM and in a small group setting with an ONSA advisor.

Following your intake meeting, you may open a Fulbright application, or you may wait until after your Step 2 meeting. If you do open an application, ensure that you select ASU (any campus) as your home institution. You will now be entered into the system and receive important updates from ONSA about the application process. Once you have entered your basic biographical data and selected ASU as your home institution, you can save and exit the application. Contact Kaia Johnson at to be added to the ASU Fulbright Canvas page. In your email, please confirm your grant type and country choice.

Step 2: I completed an intake! What is the second step in the ASU Fulbright process?

At this point, you should begin preparing to write your application essays. Before you schedule the next appointment, however, you are required to watch our application walkthrough video. Then, you can schedule a 'Getting Ready to Write' meeting via our scheduling site. The ‘ready to write’ meetings occur over ZOOM and in a small group setting with an ONSA advisor.

Before you meet, you should have selected an award type and narrowed down your potential country options. In the meeting, we will explore your motivations for applying to Fulbright, discuss strategies for the application essays, and begin generating ideas. By the end of this meeting, you will have a clear idea of your award-specific requirements and country preferences, and have the basis for your first essay drafts. 

Following this meeting, you should open an online Fulbright application, if you haven't already done so.

Step 3: I’ve completed an Intake and Getting Ready to Write meeting. Now what?

At this point, you are ready to start drafting your materials and may have additional questions related to your application. You can visit “The Write Place,” ONSA’s drop-in hours for writing support, to begin brainstorming your application materials with an advisor. Once you have started on a draft and are ready for review, you should schedule a Draft Review meeting for your specific award type.

Draft review meetings are offered in both small-group workshop and one-on-one formats. During these meetings, you will also have the opportunity to discuss other application components as a group and strategize productive writing habits. 

You are encouraged to work on your application materials often, and schedule multiple meetings as you revise your essays. ONSA is open all summer, so take advantage of the office and start chipping away at your essays!

Step 5: I’ve been working on my application materials! When do I need to submit?

All ASU applicants must 'lock' their online Fulbright application for campus review by Tuesday, September 9, 2025. Please note that this date is much earlier than the submission deadline listed on the Fulbright website. All ASU applicants must plan to have a complete application by this date. (You will have the opportunity to return to your application and make changes after your campus interview, so do not panic!)


Fulbright FAQs


If you are deciding between grant types, consider these questions: 

  • What skills do I already have?
  • Which skills do I hope to develop further, and why?
  • Which grant will allow me to simultaneously use and develop these skills for my desired future?

For a detailed description on the grant types, watch our Getting Started Youtube series. Scheduling an intake appointment is also a great way to explore your options. 

All currently enrolled students are expected to apply through the campus process. Anyone who is eligible for the Fulbright may apply at-large; however, currently, enrolled students who do not apply through the campus process may be viewed suspiciously by the national selection committee. Alumni may apply at-large and are not faulted in any way for doing so.

Applicants should offer compelling reasons for their choice of host country. Research/Study grant projects should be tightly connected to the host country; ETA applicants should offer a compelling reason for their interest in the host country. As well, the applicant should demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the host country’s culture and possess the requisite language skills. A “strong desire” to visit the country or a “passion” for the country is insufficient.

Full competition statistics are available on the Fulbright US Student Program website.

In a typical year, the College will endorse 50 to 70 applications. Of those applications, between 15 to 25 are typically awarded grants. Arizona State University is frequently among the top ten Fulbright-producing schools in the country.

If you are an ASU alumni or currently enrolled ASU student, you can and should work with the ONSA office to receive feedback on your Fulbright materials. In addition to 1-1 and group advising, ONSA offers a number of resources to ASU Fulbright applicants, including a Canvas page and access to alumni networks. Do not wait to make your first appointment with our office. We are excited to work with you (and yes, we are open during the summer!).

As the application develops, applicants should also seek the advice of faculty advisers, graduate students, and writing tutors.

Most Fulbrighters undertaking Research/Study grants will affiliate with universities, although in some countries it is possible to affiliate with other types of organizations such as research institutes or government ministries. The Affiliation Letter should come from the institution/individual in the host country with whom the applicant is proposing to work. Affiliation requirements vary by country, so before starting the application applicants should note the specific requirements for the proposed host country. The Affiliation Letter should be printed on official letterhead and should be signed by the author. There is no “secret” method for obtaining Affiliation Letters – applications should initiate direct contact with potential affiliates well ahead of the application deadline.

Foreign language proficiency will depend on the country to which you apply. Many grants do not require previous foreign language training.

The Foreign Language Evaluation (FLE) form is part of the online application and should be completed by a professional language teacher. The University offers a wide range of languages, and applicants should be able to find a faculty member who can do the evaluation. You can discuss the particulars of a Foreign Language Evaluation in your appointment with an ONSA advisor.

None. The entire application is submitted online.

The Campus Committee interviews are conducted by interview teams comprised of three to four faculty members and professional staff. The two main purposes of the interviews are to 1) provide constructive feedback to the applicant; and 2) gather enough information to complete the required evaluation form that will accompany the final application. No applicant can be rejected by the University – every completed application is submitted.

Yes – the applications will be returned to “in progress” status shortly after the campus deadline. Students may continue to revise the applications until the final campus deadline established by the Fulbright Program Adviser, which is typically a few days before the national deadline.

The selection process occurs in two stages. In the first stage, the national reading committee selects applicants that it will “recommend” to the host countries. These announcements are made by the end of January each year.

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